Финансы не изменят их жизни. Они могут наполнить их жизнь возможностями, их жизни и судьбы меняет только принятие в семью.
Хочу усыновить!Способствуем усыновлению детей семьями, которые смогут дать возможность ребенку быть любимым и не чувствовать себя брошенным.
Наша организация делает большой упор на предотвращение социального сиротства! Мы помогаем семьям, попавшим в сложные условия.
Каждый ребенок нуждается во внимании, а болеющий - особенно! С помощью волонтеров мы помогаем приютам, больницам и кризисным центрам.
Вместе мы можем сделать больше!
If we want to speak of dreams, in the Lord we always want to dream big! After all, in order to get the Minsk Oblast status, we had to care about children beyond our city Dzershinsk. Inasmuch as before the registration of the Public Organization “True Charity”, orphan visitation in hospitals and providing aid was only a small ministry by a few people – now, with God’s help, it has grown in two years into
Who will cry for the orphan boy who is lonely all his years Who will cry for the orphan girl whose eyes have run out of tears Who will give an orphan child the things they really need Like home and love and family, yes who will hear and heed Who will love an orphan child, the Bible says we should Who will give an orphan child a loving home for good Who will love
• We always need volunteers. These are people who can give a couple of hours a week to provide help in caring for orphan children in hospitals. Also we need those who wish to participate in conducting the activities “A Gift for an orphan”, which takes place, as a general rule, on Christmas, Easter and the Day for the Protection of Children. • If there is a desire to help large families, families in crisis,
No children – no problem: From ancient times, orphans were one of the most unprotected layers of the population. Many years passed, the human race developed, gained new knowledge and technology, mode rnized, but the problem of orphans did not become less. True, the reasons for children becoming orphans changed quickly; if earlier the number of orphans increased after an epidemic, famine or war, now in our civilized and well-to-do world, this problem took on a